Masoumeh Bagheri

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-03

Masoumeh Bagheri

دانشکده اقتصاد و علوم اجتماعی / گروه علوم اجتماعی

Master Theses

  1. بررسی علل گرایش برخی زنان و دختران به مصرف موادمخدر و روان گردان‌ها
    مرضیه جابری 1402
  2. بررسی عوامل جامعه شناختی مؤثر بر احساس خوشبختی در بین زنان شهر دره شهر
    جابر مولایی 1402
  3. مطالعه قوم نگارانه زمینه ها و بستر های فرهنگی (هنجار ها و باور های عامیانه ) مصرف مواد مخدر با تاكید بر قوم عرب و بختیاری
    فاطمه كلاه كج 1401
  4. بررسی تاثیر فرآیند جامعه پذیری دانشگاهی و سرمایه اجتماعی بر تسهیم دانش (مورد مطالعه: دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز)
    زهرا پورعیسی 1401
  5. ارائه الگوی پارادایمی هراس اجتماعی نزد دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
    حدیث شاهی 1401
  6. مطالعه کیفی تجربه زیسته ازدواج زودهنگام در بین زنان(مورد مطالعه: شهر شوشتر)
    فریبا اسفندیاری 1401
  7. بررسی جامعهشناختی عوامل مؤثر بر گرایش به منفعت‌طلبی فردی( مورد‌مطالعه: شهروندان شهر ایذه)
    علی شاپوری اصیل 1400
  8. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی و فرهنگی موثر بر همگرایی قومی بین اقوام بختیاری و عرب در شهر اهواز
    حدیث شجاعی برجوئی 1400
  9. بررسی عوامل جامعه شناختی موثر بر تحرک اجتماعی(بین نسلی) زنان شهر دهلران.
    فروزان كرمی 1399
  10. برسی تاثیر پیامدهای اجتماعی سیل فروردین ماه 1398 بر اعتماد اجتماعی شهروندان سیل زده شهرستان پلدختر
    رضا میرنوری 1399
  11. بررسی عوامل جامعه شناختی موثر بر نگرش کارآفرینی دانش آموزان (مورد مطالعه: دانش آموزان مقطع متوسطه دوم شهرستان کارون )
    نازنین ولی زاده 1399
  12. بررسی جامعه شناختی برخی عوامل موثر بر پرخاشگری رانندگان (مطالعه موردی: رانندگان شهرستان ایذه)
    داریوش عالی پور 1399
  13. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی فرهنگی مؤثر بر نگرش زنان نسبت به نابرابری جنسی در محیط کار
    غزل باقرزاده 1398
  14. تحلیل جامعه شناختی عوامل موثر بر طلاق عاطفی در بین زنان متأهل شهر سوسنگرد
    مریم عجیلی پور 1397
  15. بررسی عوامل جامعه شناختی مؤثر بر گرایش زنان به جراحی زیبایی (مورد مطالعه : زنان 18 تا 60 سال شهر اهواز )
    سارا كیانی 1397
  16. بررسی عوامل جامعه شناختی مؤثر بر شکل گیری هویت اجتماعی مادران و دختران ساکن در شهر اهواز
    زینب بیت سیاح 1396

     The purpose of this study was to investigate sociological factors affecting the formation of social identity of mothers and girls living in Ahvaz. In this research, theories of George Herbert Mead, Pierre Bourdieu, Tajfel, Giddens, the theory of exchange and resource theory, as well as the theory of gender socialization, have been used. The statistical population of this study is all women and girls aged 18-60 years old in Ahvaz. Using multistage cluster sampling, 384 individuals were randomly selected as the sample using Cochran formula. Based on the results of the regression test, lifestyle, religiosity, body management, role identity, decision-making patterns, self-confidence and communication networks have the most effect on the dependent variable (social identity formation), respectively. Also, the results show that there is a meaningful relationship between all independent variables except the marital variable with the dependent variable. Also, regression results show that independent variables account for 26.5% of the total changes related to the dependent variable

  17. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی مؤثر بر گرایش به ترک اعتیاد (مورد مطالعه معتادان مراجعه کننده به مراکز ترک اعتیاد شهر آبادان )
    مهسا سادات محسن فر 1395

     Narcotics abuse is a vast social and individual problem that in addition to the physical and psychological effects on addicts, exposes public health, in terms of social, economic, cultural, to danger, too. Accordingly, all countries are trying to develope various plans to prevent and treat drug addiction in their own states.
    The present research examines effective social factors on the tendency to quit addiction ( the cases are addicted ones who reffer to quit addiction centers in Abadan). Tha datas are provided by a survey method and the samples consist of 301 interview in-depth addicts in Abadan. The dependent variable in this study is " tendency to quit addiction" . The relationship between this variable with independent variables, included the " social acceptance", " self-suffiency", " social support ", "social frustration", " public health", " education", "occupation", and " income" , is tested and derived from theories of theorists such as : Humenz, Sarason, K eenesian , also from vast life theory.
    The results of this study shows that there is a significant relationship between the above mentioned independent variables, except the public health variable, and quit addiction tend variable.

  18. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی مؤثر براحساس تنهایی (انزوای) اجتماعی دانشجویان دختر دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
    فریده محمدی دهكردی 1395

     In the social science literature, the isolation is referred to as the objectively separation and deprivation of social interaction. Though it had long been the case for man, the social isolation was just begun studying systematically in the last half of century. The present study aims to investigate the social factors affecting on social isolation of student. The method is a survey one and a questionnaire was used to collect The select a size of samplet,the Cochran formula was used.finall, 390 students were selected through a stratified sampling method. Views of sociologists and theories such as Snyder theory, Melvin Seeman, Karl Mannheim, Erich Fromm, Hegel, Durkheim, Robert Merton, Afonso, Sarafynv, Constance Flangn is designed.The findings showed that there is a significant correlation between life expectancy, idealism, absurdism, relative deprivation, socio-economic status, social support, social trust or social isolation. But there is no significant correlation between subculture of youngster, social participation, degree of using the social networking. In turn, the experimental data supports the theories proposed on which the theory of this study was based. In sum, given the quality of social isolation existing among youth, it is necessary to formulate policy to make the students motivated and proactive, so that the factors invoking the social isolation are eliminated and the social pathologies are avoided.

  19. بررسی عوامل جامعه شناختی موثر بر مشارکت سیاسی زنان( مورد مطالعه : زنان شهر اهواز)
    حسن شجاعی 1395

     As some other kinds of participations, the political participation has been recognized as an index that promotes political development of the countries. A large number of both theoretical and qualitative studies on democracy and political participation date back to Alexis de Tocqueville's treatise on democracy in America. Over the past few decades, there have been large bodies of empirical knowledge about political participation. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the sociological factors affecting on political participation of women living in Ahvaz in 2016. The method is survey one and to collect the data a questionnaire was used. The Cochran formula was used to select a size of sample which finally 384 women living in Ahvaz were chosen through the stratified sampling. The theoretical framework of this research was outlined based on such classic theorists in sociology as Samuel Huntington, Martin Lipset, Lester Milbrath and Pantham. The findings showed that mean political participation of women in Ahvaz is not at desirable level and their participation in political events is too low. Also the demographical variables such as age, education, income, social class, marital status and ethnicity have a significantly positive correlation with political participation. As well, fatalism, social capital, powerless feeling, sense of relative deprivation and political socialization have a significant correlation with political participation. According to R2, these variables explain 0.155 variance of political participation.

  20. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی مؤثر بر رعایت حقوق شهروندی (مورد مطالعه: شهروندان بالای 20 سال شهر اهواز)
    حامد تركاشوند 1395

    Civil rights is the individual, civil, political, social and economic rights that a citizen enjoy, by living in a certain geographical territory and the relationship between him and the ruling government. The aim of this research is the study of current situation of citizenship rights observance in Ahvaz citizens . Therefore, eleven hypotheses is developed. Theoretical framework of research is based on T. H.Marshal, Emile Durkheim, Habermas, Hershey, Edwin Sutherland and Brayan Turner theories . Research mathod is survey and statistical society is all citizens above 20 years in Ahvaz, The sample size 383 persons was considerd according Cochran formula, of which 222 (%58) were male and 161(%42) were female, and used of stratified sampling method, data analysis was performed by SPSS software. Independent variables include: social control, social participation, individualism, media consumption, associate with deviant people , awareness of citizenship rights, socio-economic status, ethnicity, education, sex, age and dependent variable is observe of citizenship rights. Research findings indicate that no significant relationship between ethnicity and gender variables with dependent variable (citizenship rights observance), But in the rest of the research hypotheses meaningful relationship between independent variables and dependent variable was observed.

  21. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی فرهنگی موثر بر رضایتمندی شغلی زنان شاغل در سازمان تامین اجتماعی استان خوزستان
    محمد رضا زلقی 1395

    The main purpose of this research is to study the socio-cultural factors affecting on the job satisfaction of women's staff in the kouzestan province in winter 1394. In this research, variables are age, Valuation for employment, Participation in decision-making job, Benefit from expected incentives and rewards, Concept of justice, Employment Status, Length of employment, Trust in the organization, Trust in the superiors and The amount of welfare facilities And dependent variable of the research is the job satisfaction of women's staff.
    The theoretic bases of studying job satisfaction are the theory of Reference Group, Equity, Theories of Anthony Giddens, Vroom and Cox. Research methodology was questionnaire method and In the hypothesis examination, Statistical software, SPSS, and, Analysis of Variance and Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to test hypotheses. The findings of the research reveal that There is a relationship between all independent variables and the dependent variable;
    And 41 percent of the job satisfaction of women explained the changes related
    And the relationship between the variables of job satisfaction of women is significant.

  22. بررسی تاثیرابعاد حمایت اجتماعی برانگیزه ی تحصیلی دانش آموزان (مورد مطالعه :دانش آموزان مقطع متوسطه ی شهرستان دزفول)
    حیدر عباسی 1394

     This study examined the effects of social support on the motivation of secondary students (the case of students in second grade Shhrdzfvl) conducted a population of 8283people, samples examined 367 people in the style of a random sample stratified Bahjm were selected. This survey is to collect data from questionnaires used to measure social support, academic motivation. The results indicate that the demographic variables (age, gender, place of birth, type of school, field of study, employment situation head of household , parent education, family Dramdmahyanh, housing) motivated discussed the results of study show that the demographic variables of age, basic education, field of study, employment status, educational motivated parents find positive and meaningful relationship There Dard.vly between demographic variables sex, place of birth, type of school, family Dramdmahyanh, Pdrvmadrvvzyt residence motivated academic education is asignificantb relationship Vjvdndashth . Regression results show that the relationship bwtween social participation ,social links, support tools, information and support educational moivaed Mnadarbvdh, a total of /553 of the changes related to academic motivation Raayn variables explain.

  23. بررسی عوامل خانوادگی موثر بر مدارای اجتماعی(مورد مطالعه: دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز )
    مسعود زالی زاده كوتیانی 1394

     Determining Factors Of The Social Tolerance Is The Aim For This Paper. Data On This Research Has Been Collected Through Questionnaires An Were Analyzed By Spss Software. Students Of Shahid Chamran University Are Considered As Statistical Society And 374 Individuals Have Been Collected As The Sample. Sampling Method Is Classification Sampling Stratified. Hypothesis Testing Showed That There Are Two Variables, Family Religiosity And Authoritarian Parenting Style, Which Have Significant Relationship With Social Tolerance And Other Variables Democratic Parenting Style, Permissive Parenting Style And Netwok Of Family Social Relation Dont Have Any Relation With Social Tolerance. Regression Analysis Showed That Independent Variables Predict 38.5% Of The Variance Of Social Tolerance.

  24. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی و فرهنگی مؤثر بر مسئولیت‌پذیری اجتماعی دانشجویان (مورد مطالعه: دانشجویان دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد ماهشهر)
    عبادی -وفا 1393

    One of the main problems in social science, particularly in sociology and behavioral scientific is Students social responsibility. Social order reflects integrity between social system elements to achieve social aims which are main characteristic of ideal society. This can be achieved when members of society recognize and operate their tasks properly. The present thesis has been written by the aim of “investigating social and Cultural Factors Effecting on the social responsibility”. This study population’s includes all Islamic Azad University Mahshahr’ students. The sampling method in the present study is the classification sampling with 380 samples
    The findings shown that there are significant positive relations between “Social Satisfaction”, “Universalism”, “social Trust”, “Media consumption”, “religiosity” and “Social responsibility”. Also, there are negative relation between “Feelings of relative deprivation” and social responsibility as dependent variable.
    Regeration and analysis results have shown intered variable in this investigation explain 0.43 persent of dependent variable variance and here “religiosity” and “Universalism” has the most role in variance explanation of the social responsibility.


  25. بررسی برخی عوامل موثر بر سبک زندگی سلامت محور (مورد مطالعه:شهروندان 18 تا 65 سال شهر اهواز)
    حسین پناه-زهرا 1393

    The aim of this study was to investigate factors affecting the health and lifestyle of the people of Ahwaz
    The research in January 1393 among citizens over 18 years of Ahvaz , using a questionnaire survey was conducted And the sample was 384.
    In this study , independent variables such as the extent of social interaction , social trust – the religiosity , social participation , the use of media , socio- economic status ( the subjective and objective ) , as well as the underlying variable on the dependent variable studied healthy lifestyle.
    Accordinghtothe regressionvariablextentof , social-communication social trust , the use of mediahave h
    Avethegreatest impact on health liflee stl y
    The results show that the health and lifestyle of citizens in terms of gender , age , marital status and ethnicity are different.

  26. بررسی رابطه بین حمایت اجتماعی و کیفیت زندگی بیماران سرطانی شهر اهواز
    بركتی-وهاب 1393

    The aim of this investigation is to study the relationship between social support and quality of life among cancer patients in Ahwaz city. Survey method is used for conducting the study. Sample size is 119 people (32 male and 87 female) selected from Capital Naft Hospital patients by accidental sampling. The required information gathered by standard social support questionnaires ( Structural and Functional) and European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire – Core 30, Version 3.
    The findings reveal that there is a significant relationship between Structural Social Support (Size, Frequency, density) and quality of life of cancer patient. The finding also there is a significant relationship between Functional Social Support (Informational, Emotional, Instrumental) and quality of life of cancer patient.
    The results of regression analysis model revealed that almost 43 percent of QOF variation is predicted by different dimensions of social Support. Therefore according to regression analysis model different dimensions of social support (Structural and Functional) are critical variable effective on quality of life.

  27. : بررسی عوامل اجتماعی فرهنگی موثر در هویت جمعی استان خوزستان ( مورد مطالعه : شهروندان 15 سال و بالاتر شهر اهواز)
    محمدی خواه-جهانبخش 1393

    The aim of this study to investigate the social factors that affect the cultural identity of the ethnic group is in Khuzestan province. This research is a questionnaire survey and data gathering tools. The study population includes all citizens above 15 years of Ahvaz city, which was set at 385 Cochran's sample size formula. The time this study was conducted in 1392-1393. The results show that variables (social belonging, social trust, social participation, media usage, self-concept), there is a significant positive relationship with collective identity, but between variables (feelings of anomie, ethnicity, sense of deprivation relative socio - economic) and a significant inverse relation ¬ collective identity was observed. The variable ¬ demographic (age, gender, marital status, educational level), found a significant positive correlation between age and sex of collective identity and collective identity mean in terms of education, but there are significant differences between ethnicity and marital status There was no significant relationship between collective identity.

  28. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی و فرهنگی موثر بر رضایت از زندگی شهروندان ( مورد مطالعه : شهروندان 15 سال و بالاتر شهر شادگان )
    صوفی-جمال 1393

    This paper aims to investigate the factors influencing life satisfaction of citizens 15 years and older is Shadegan to explain the problem and determine the theoretical framework of relevant sociological perspectives and assumptions derived from survey research and gather information posted data is collected is analyzed in this study population, all citizens over 15 years Shadgan city, a sample size of 381 patients was determined by Cochran formula. When this study was difference in 1392-1393Ajra Research Results showed that all independent variables are significant relationship with the dependent variable. In other words, the variable of social trust, social capital, cultural capital, but was positively associated with life satisfaction among the variables in the sense of relative deprivation, feelings of anomie and social isolation is a significant negative relationship with life satisfaction. Regression results show that only four variables, social capital, social trust, cultural capital and relative deprivation felt that there were a total of 65 percent of variations in the four variables of life satisfaction explain.

  29. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی و فرهنگی موثر بر گرایش به مصرف مواد مخدر در بین نوجوانان (مورد مطالعه: نوجوانان 18-14 ساله شهرستان آغاجری)
    حسینی-سید عباس 1393

     The aim of this study to investigate the social factors influencing cultural trends of drug abuse among adolescents. The survey research and data collection questionnaire. The study population in this study, all adolescents 18-14 years Aghjary city is the sample size of 375 patients was determined by Cochran formula. This is the time of year 1392-1393 Ajra. The results show that among all the variables tend to abuse drugs there is a significant positive relationship between socio except four variables, the Dyndray, social control and the use of media with a negative relationship with the dependent variable significant. Among the demographic variables (age, gender, ethnicity), between age and propensity to substance abuse is a significant positive correlation was found, and the average propensity to abuse drugs there were no significant differences in terms of gender and ethnicity

  30. بررسی عوامل موثر بر اعتیاد اینترنتی جوانان( مورد مطالعه : دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز)
    شعبان-سعید 1393

    Aim of this Article was to investigate factors influencing the Youth Internet addiction shahid Chamran University. The method used in this Research was survey and instrument for collecting the data was a standard questionnaire. The sample consists of 375 people of. Students shahid Chamran Result of this research indicates that there is a significant relation between all the independent and dependent variables. Regression results show that only Three variables of are Social isolation, the use of the internet, the purpose of using the Internet significant. In total, these variables explain 23% of Internet addiction change.

  31. عوامل اجتماعی و فرهنگی مؤثر بر مصرف کالاهای فرهنگی (مورد مطالعه دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز)
    ولی اله كرایی 1393

    The cultural items consumption and the taste preferences are so important in the culture and art arena because of social structure regulation and reproduction. The aim of this study is to investigate the effective social and cultural factors on the type of cultural items (highbrow, low brow) consumption. The art and cultural tastes have been investigated according to the art and cultural sociology theories along with the theoretical framework of Bourdieu (Homology). In this study which is the type of survey, the data collection and analysis have been done using the questionnaire and SPSS software, respectively. The individual analysis and the statistical population include the students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. The findings of the research in some hypotheses are in accordance with the Bourdieu theory, and classification of cultural tastes is in accordance with the individual classification in the social structure. Also, the type of cultural tastes (highbrow, lowbrow) of the individuals is determined by their capitals. The final part of this study has been dedicated to the presentation of suggestions and some solutions to lead the cultural tastes with regard to the importance and the position of cultural items in the cultural system of society.

  32. بررسی عوامل مؤثر بر رضایت از زندگی(مطالعه موردی شهر اهواز)
    سمیرا حیدری اصل 1392

    This study aims to examine the factors influencing life satisfaction of citizens 18 years and older is Ahwaz .Theoretical framework to explain the problem and the related sociological perspectives and assumptions used were extracted .This research is a survey questionnaire that gathered data .In this study population , all citizens over18 years of Ahvaz city , which was set at 384 Cochran's sample size formula . The time this study was conducted in 1391-1392.The results show that all independent variables other than the variable of loneliness and social justice variables have a significant relationship with the dependent variable.

  33. بررسی تاثیرات جهانی شدن بر تغییر الگوهای مصرف خوراک (مورد مطالعه: دانش آموزان مقطع متوسطه شهر بوشهر)
    محمود آوینی 1392

    A study on effects of globalization on the change of food consumption patterns (A case of high school students in the city of Boushehr)
    Globalization is a process which all the people through out the universe joined together as a social unite.
    Human communication extent through mass media and expansion of communication in the global level which caused cultural boundary losing its validity and also global peripheral becomes smaller, among this contest food consumption patterns has been changed a lot.
    The aim of the present study is the effect of globalization on the changes of food consumption patterns.
    The survey is method of study and 385 students of high school and selected through multi level cluster sampling method.
    The result of this study showed that globalization has been vivide effect on food consumption patterns of people. Hence A great deal of independent variables such as fation tendency, the rates of Internet usage, watching the visual media, media advertisement, varity and time of preparetion has been significant relationship with the changes of food consumption patterns.

  34. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی مؤثر بر نگرش دانشجویان به پدیده نوگرایی(مورد مطالعه: دانشجویان شهید چمران اهواز)
    -فاطمه ملكی دو آبی 1391
  35. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی، فرهنگی و اقتصادی موثر ، بر مدیریت ظاهر
    زهرا قادرپور 1391
  36. تاثیر جهانی شدن فرهنگی بر هویت قومی مردم شهرستان اهواز
    ندا هاشمی 1390
  37. بررسی برخی عوامل اجتماعی – فرهنگی مؤثر بر سبک زندگی خانواده‌های ایرانی(مورد مطالعه:جامعه شهری شهر ارومیه)
    محمد چولی محمود ابادی 1390
  38. بررسی و سنجش میزان مدارای اجتماعی و عوامل اجتماعی و فرهنگی موثر برآن ( مورد مطالعه: جامعه شهری اهواز)
    فاطمه مقتدایی 1389
  39. بررسی عوامل مؤثر بر خشونت خانگی علیه زنان(مورد مطالعه: زنان متأهل شهر اصفهان)
    حدیث عنایتی 1389
  40. بررسی علل اجتماعی موثر بر اعتیاد زنان در شهر اهواز
    فاطمه نقی پور 1387