صفحه اعضا هیئت علمی - دانشکده اقتصاد و علوم اجتماعی
Associate Professor
Update: 2025-03-03
abdolreza navah
دانشکده اقتصاد و علوم اجتماعی / گروه علوم اجتماعی
P.H.D dissertations
مطالعه كیفی سبك زندگی دیجیتالی در بین دانش آموزان مقطع متوسطه دوم شهر اهواز
مریم قلیچی 1403 -
مطالعه پدیدارشناسانه دگرگونی تعاملات اجتماعی در دوره پساكرونا در بین لك زبانان شهرستان بروجرد
نرگس خوشكلام 1403 -
بررسی جامعه شناختی جریان فکری مدرنیته ستیزان در ایران پس از انقلاب
موردمطالعه: جریان فردیدیه
پروین گنجی 1401 -
طراحی و تدوین مدل پارادایمی زیست بوم کارآفرینی اجتماعی استان خوزستان(مورد مطالعه: فعالان و متخصصان حوزه ی کسب و کارهای اجتماعی)
منا فاضلی پور 1401
Master Theses
بررسی عوامل اجتماعی، فرهنگی مؤثر برقوم گرایی در مناطق کُردنشین(مورد مطالعه:شهرستان کرمانشاه
آمنه بابی 1934This study aimed to investigate the social and cultural factors affecting QvmGrayy in the Kurdish areas (the case of the city of Kermanshah) is to discuss the issue and determine the theoretical framework from the perspective of sociology and assumptions derived from them. This research survey and data collected through the questionnaire in this study population included all citizens, the sample size is based on a sample of 384 participants. The population of 15 years and above were determined city of Kermanshah. In terms of when the study was conducted in 1394-1393. The results show that all the independent variables and the dependent variable coping. That is the feeling of social discrimination and perceived discrimination, cultural and media type used by the Qvm¬Grayy there is a significant positive relationship. Qvm¬Grayy the relationship between dialect and religion is significant. In other words, in terms of language and religion Qvm¬Grayy significant difference.
نقش سرمایه اجتماعی بر توسعه محله ای(مطالعه موردی: محله كیان آباد شهر اهواز)
آمنه عبیات 1403 -
مطالعه جامعه شناختی سبك زندگی دانشجویی (مورد مطالعه: دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز)
محمد ارشادی فر 1403 -
بررسی جامعه شناختی برخی عوامل موثر بر بی تفاوتی اجتماعی با نقش میانجی احساس از خود بیگانگی (مورد مطالعه:دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز)
ملكه فاضلی 1403 -
واكاوی ریشه ها و پیامدهای ترك تحصیل دانش آموزان پسر مقطع متوسطه دوم در شهر آبژدان
عیسی ظاهری عبده وند 1402 -
مطالعه جامعه شناختی میزان سواد رسانه ای در بین دانش آموزان دختر مقطع متوسطه دوم شهرستان شوشتر و برخی عوامل مرتبط با آن
مطهره صفری چهارمحالی 1401 -
بررسی انفعال سیاسی، با تأکید بر تجربه زیسته عدم مشارکت در انتخابات ریاست جمهوری ایران در سال 1400 (مورد مطالعه: کارمندان اداره کل راه و شهرسازی و اداره کل ارشاد اسلامی استان خوزستان)
سینا خدادادی 1401 -
عنوان پایان نامه:بررسی عوامل اجتماعی موثر بر نگرش به ازدواج سفید در میان شهروندان کلان شهر اهواز
مریم صادقی مال 1400 -
مطالعه جامعه شناختی میزان اضطراب کرونا در بین دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز و برخی عوامل مرتبط با آن
راضیه عباسی زاده لوایی 1400 -
مطالعه کیفی عوامل موثر بر توسعه اجتماعی(مورد مطالعه: شهرستان آبدانان)
مارال همتی 1400 -
بررسی عوامل جامعه شناختی مرتبط بر هویت جمعی با تأکید بر نگرشهای اجتماعی و فرهنگی(مورد مطالعه: جوانان قوم عرب شهرستان دشت آزادگان)
عماد چلداوی 1400 -
بررسی جامعه شناختی تأثیر سرمایه اجتماعی بر معناداری زندگی(مورد مطالعه:کارکنان شرکت پتروشیمی فجر)
قاسم عیسی منش 1399 -
بررسی جامعه شناختی رابطه بین سرمایه و کیفیت خدمات آموزشی با احساس نابرابری اجتماعی
مورد مطالعه دانش آموزان دوره ی متوسطه ی دوم شهرستان ایذه
ناهید سعدی 1399 -
جامعه شناسی معرفتی آراء و نظریه های محمد مجتهد شبستری (با تأکید بر آراء متأخر او)
حسین كمالوند 1398 -
علل جامعه شناختی گرایش به خودکشی درشهرستان ایذه
احسان فتحی كاشانی 1398 -
بررسی عوامل جامعه شناختی موثر بر گرایش به سنت عشیره ای در میان شهروندان شهر سوسنگرد
رسول غرباوی 1397 -
بررسی عوامل اجتماعی موثر بر فرایند اطلاع یابی در زندگی روز مره اقوام بختیاری و عرب ساکن شهر اهواز
نجمه كلاهكج 1397 -
بررسی مقایسه ای عوامل اجتماعی موثر بر شکل گیری گرایشات سیاسی شهروندان ایذه و باغملک
ارتین مرادی كل بلندی 1397 -
: بررسی پیامدهای جامعه شناختی سواد رسانه ای ( مورد مطالعه شهروندان 18 سال به بالای شهر اهواز)
سمیه رستگاری 1396The media literacy is considered as requirement in technology ear to train active and awarded citizens. The critical capability of media, skills to make programs and fair access to media and ability to control media usage are dependent on media literacy. The goal of current research is to investigate sociological consequences of media literacy among Ahvaz people were more than 18years. The research conducted as applied through descriptive-analytic research. It was a survey and used researcher-made questionnaire. The population of those were more than 18 years included 780728 citizens, after that 392 participant selected by Cochran formula. The results revealed that level of media literacy in Ahvaz was average. There was direct and significant relationship between media literacy-independent variable-, cultural resources, awareness of citizenship rights and democrat city-dependent variables-. In fact improving media literacy cause to improve dependent variables.
بررسی عوامل اجتماعی مؤثر بر سلامت روانی دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
مریم قلیچی 1395Mental health plays a crucial role in ensuring the dynamic and efficiency of every society. Since students are a selected talented class in a society, their mental health is of great importance in learning and acquiring knowledge. The present study aims to investigate the social factors affecting on mental health of students. It is a case study on students who are studying in Shahis Chamran University of Ahvaz in academic year 2016. The method is a survey one and a questionnaire was used to collect the data. To select a size of sample the Cochran formula was used, by which 373 people were selected through a stratified sampling. The theoretical framework was developed using sociologists' views such as Psychoanalysis school, mental rehabilitation, Robert Putnam, Pierre Bourdieu, Durkheim and Max Weber. In this research the Goldberg's Mental Health Model GHQ-28 was used as a practical definition. The findings showed that the mean mental health of the students is not at a desirable level and 24.71% of them are suffering from one of the recognized mental disorders and 33.11% of the students are subject to mental diseases. Also, the variables of religiousness, social capital (cognitive and structural), life style, social support, socio-economic status, gender, marital status, residential condition during education in university have a significant correlation with mental health. But there is no significant correlation between, age, ethnicity and place of birth with mental health. Given the coefficient of determination, it can be said that the developed model has a relatively low power to explain the mental health of students. This little predictive power can result from overlooking some social –mental variables affecting on mental health (e.g. life satisfaction, family relation, future expectancy , self-esteem…)
بررسی و مقایسه دموکراسی، نقادی و عقلانیت در آراء پوپر و هابرماس
مجید جمالپور 1395<p>Democracy, freedom and rationality-based critique is important indicators that we show the degree of development of modern societies. Popper and Habermas as the defender of the above theory, tried a lot in this area. Popper and Habermas both seek to expand freedom, rationality, democracy and notions were, however, the two on issues such as methodology, democracy and the rule-based models and theoretical differences were significant. Popper's present different new definition of democracy (democracy inhibitor), or through institutions such as the government's continuing critique of political institutions on deputeation of the people. Habermas also offering a new concept of democracy as "democratic dialogue", dialogue and debate based on rational criticism in the context of the public sphere, the basic solution out of the political system (especially the capitalist) crises knows. Since both scientists from two different schools (school of positivism and the Frankfurt School) head on, they have a methodology, epistemology and consequently has their own unique philosophy. Popper under the influence of positive school, with his new theory of "gradual development", calls for the elimination of human suffering is continuous.Habermas also turn to follow the critical school, and unlike Popper، believe that Social issues should be studied in their entirety and the Popper's gradual engineer method based on exprimental science is analytical that is not worthy of issues Humanities Both Popper and Habermas emerged in the age of Nazi oppression And this was the impetus for their idea to try to expand and promote greater freedom and democracy.</p>
بررسی تأثیر ساختار قدرت در خانواده بر مشارکت اجتماعی زنان متأهل شهراهواز
معصومه شوقی 1395Family as a social institution and social collaboration and also as a substantial component of social life and civil society is a major subject in sociology. The study of how the intra-family relationship as a prime factor of people socialization with social participation is a matter of family's sociology. The present study aims to investigate the effect of power structure on participation of the Ahvaz's married women in society. It is a case study on the married women aged 20-60. The method is a survey one and a questionnaire was used to collect the data. To select a size of sample, the Cochran formula was used. Finally, 383 married women were selected through a stratified sampling method. The theoretical framework is outlined using views of sociologists and theories such as Parsons's Social Action, Gender Socialization theory, Exchange Theory, Resources ' Theory, Separation of Role 's Theory , Feminism and Bourdieu 's Theory. The findings showed that the variables of labor division in family, power structure (symmetrical-asymmetrical) in family, the way of imposing power in family (persuasive-Coercive), education, and income have a significantly negative correlation with social participation of women. It means that as a pattern of man-dominated decision in family increases, the women participation is decreased. It also indicates that the man-dominated decisions in family have a significantly negative correlation with women participation that is the more decisions are made by men, the fewer women could participate in society and vice versa. Given the obtained coefficient of determination 13.2%, it can be said that the developed model is of relatively suitable strength to explain the social participation of women
بررسی تاثیر نگرش زیست محیطی ریزگرد محور بر برخی از متغیرهای جامعه شناختی( مورد مطالعه: شهرستان اهواز).
علی موسوی نسب 1395
The research aimed to investigate the impact of dust centered environmental attitudes on some sociological variables in Ahvaz city.Variables that selected for the research wasthe tendency to migration, life satisfaction, feeling of social deprivation, social trustand and social participation.A Quantitative method (survey) was used in this research and data collection was conducted through self-constituted questionnaires based on Likert scale. The reliability of the items is appropriateso thatCronbach's alpha was higher than 0/7. The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by specialists. The samples were 385 citizens of Ahvaz that selected by stratified random sampling.The results shows that there is significant relation between the dust centered environmental attitudes and the tendency to migration, life satisfaction, social deprivation and social trust andthere is no significant relation between the dust centered environmental attitudes andsocial participation.Therefore, the need to sociologically investigating the dust as an environmental phenomenon explained and the limitations of the study stated.
بررسی رابطه عوامل اجتماعی، فرهنگی و رفاه ذهنی در بین ساکنین بالای 18 سال شهر بوشهر
فاطمه عمرانی 1395Social welfare is one of the categories that is expression of structure in the people. It means structural features and objective how create the feeling of welfare, happiness and satisfaction. This feeling although experienced in the mental structure of people, and have a subjective nature, but its structural and social product. Mental welfare focuses on the features of welfare from the perspective of mental, According to explanation that reflects from his condition. During the social and economic and politic targeting, creation welfare is important that politicians should pay attentions to it. Welfare is very complex and always is not quantitative and objective, we decided survey the relation between social and cultural factores and mental welfare ( such as lifestyle, felling of anomie and socio-economic status and background variables). We used the mental welfare theory of Fitzpatrick. Volume of sample is 400 people of Bushehr citizens that are over 18 years. Results of research sayed that is meaningful relationship between mental welfare and lifestyle, feeling of anomie and socio-economic status.
بررسی رابطه بین محرومیت نسبی و امید به زندگی دانشجویان ( مطالعه موردی: شهر دهدشت)
جهرم درای 1395Life expectancy is one of the effective variables on life quality and happiness of social people, especially the young generation. When life expectancy is discussed in connection with student class as a society future builders, its importance is reduplicated. The aim of this investigation is the study of relationship between relative deprivation and life expectancy of students. Research method is Survey and it is based on cross-sectional design, and required information was collected by the questionnaire among 360 students of Dehdasht city that was selected by stratified random sampling. The findings show that the students had enjoyed the upper face of the average life expectancy and the correlation between independent variables, sense of social security and social support with dependent variable, was direct and meaningful and relative deprivation variable with life expectancy was meaningful but has been reversed. Also don't observed meaningful relationship between socioeconomic status, age, sex, marital status, place of residence and the university with the dependent variable. Regression results analysis show that relative deprivation, social security and social protection variables explained %49 of life expectancy variances.
بررسی تأثیر بازدید از آثار تاریخی بر هویت قومی و ملی(مورد مطالعه: بازدیدکنندگان از قلعة فلک الافلاک شهرستان خرم آباد)
رضا كوشكی 1395<p>In recent years, with the introduction into the modern world and encounter of the emerging identities with the traditional ones, particular attention has been paid to the national and ethnic identities by scholars in different fields. Promotion of the global tourism due to the advances in communications technologies has caused the historical places and museums to be effective places for realization of the ethnicity and nationality of different nations and countries. The present study has sought to investigate the effect of visiting the historical sites on the ethnic and national identities of the visitors of Falak-ol-Aflak Castle Museum, situated in Khorram Abad city, the center of the Lorestan province in Iran. Therefore, the importance of the museums in recognition of the ethnic and national identities has been emphasized. In this survey, a questionnaire has thus been distributed among a sample of 400 individuals visiting the said museum. For assessing the effect of the independent variable of ‘museum visit’ on the dependent variables of ethnic and national identities, ethnic and national pride, and national and ethnic unity, the obtained data have been scrutinized using SPSS software and descriptive tests. Based on the results, visiting the museum has a positive effect on the ethnic and national identities, ethnic and national pride, and national and ethnic unity. In other words, a significant relationship exists between the independent variable of ‘museum visit’ and the dependent variables of ethnic and national identities, ethnic and national pride, and national and ethnic unity. </p>
بررسی رابطه برخی عوامل جامعه شناختی مؤثر بر احساس امنیت اجتماعی در شهر اهواز (مورد مطالعه: دانشجویان دختر دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز)
سهام كعبی 1394The purpose of this paper is to examine the social and cultural factors affecting the social security is a collective of university shahid chamran women's student in Ahwaz. Theoretical framework to explain the problem from the perspective of sociology and relate assumptions used were extracted. Data collection is questionnaire survey and the data in the study population, all university shahid chamran women's student in Ahwaz is a formula based on the sample size was determined 384 Chocran. The results showed that all independent variables have a significant relationship with the dependent variable. Regression results showed that sex variables of are confidence in the social solidarity, use of mass media, sense of relative deprivation, social trust, sense of anomi and religious commitment significant. In total, these variables explain 53/2% of affecting : social security.
بررسی عوامل فرهنگی و اجتماعی موثر بر تعهد اجتماعی دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
سیده سارا كشاورز 1394Abstract:
This research is about study of effective social، cultural factors on the social commitment of the students shahid chamran university of ahwaz. Populations students shahid chamran university of ahwaz, sample size 374 persons, sample Stratified, research is survey and questionnaire is a instrument that used to data collection. Also, in the study of statistical techniques such as correlation coefficient , a statistical analysis using t-test, ANOVA , linear regression analysis was used.
The results of hypothesis testing has shown that social trust, social satisfaction, national identity, a sense of failure and significant relationship with the dependent variable level of religiosity. In the relationship between the variables and the dependent variable of gender and social commitment was confirmed Rayth the relationship between income and education with social commitment was not confirmed.
Regeration and analysis results have shown intered variable in this investigation explain 50 persent of dependent variable variance and here national identity has the most role in variance explanation of the social commitment.
بررسی تاثیر عوامل اجتماعی- فرهنگی بر نابرابری جنسیتی آموزشی از دیدگاه دانش آموزان دختر دبیرستانی شهر اهواز
فرشته یوسفی منش 1394This research aims to examine social – cultural factors on gender inequality in education. Especially gender socialization and ideological factors. In teorical item to achieve the goals of the research has been used from the opinion of sociology, social psychology, and feminism. The dependent variable of research is gender inequality in education, and has been 378 samples of high school girls in ahwaz. The most important findings of research suggest the existence of gender inequality has been a real sensible.
The results show that there isdirect and significant relationship between independ variabels ethnicity, gender socialization, patriarchal ideology, believs gender stereotypes and gender inequality in education and there is an ineverse and significant relationship between social – economic base and gender inequality in education.
The results of multiple regssion showed that chainging the variables of gender sociability, gender role playing and patriarchal ideology explain 6 68% variances of the gender inequality in education.
بررسی تاثیر برنامه های تلویزیون استانی بر سبک زندگی (مورد مطالعه: مردم عرب خوزستان)
ایروانی-بیژن 1394What kind of life style patterns do provincial Tv programs intrduse? Are prodused messages by produsers adapted with the assigned messages by managers? Thie assertion has beeb aimed to explore these subjects. The research method was survey and data were gathered via questionarie. By using questionnaire 381 cases of Arab people of Khozestan were studied. Findings showed that the viewers of provincial T.v Arabic programs own low income and education. Meanwhile, there is a direct relation between the rate of watching provincial T.v Arabic programs and religious values, traditional culture symbols and traditional communication and an indirct relation between the rate of watching provincial T.v Arabic programs and modern behavioral patterns and modern esteemed symbols. The findings connected to multivariant regression showed that the variation of the dependant variant via R2 has cleared about %65 of the T.v watching. Also the results rooted from B coefficient showed that between 5 variante of this research, "religious values" has had the most effect on the use of the provincial T.v Arabic programs.
هویت قومی وتأثیرآن براحساس طرداجتماعی (موردمطالعه عرب های ساکن شهر اهواز )
حیدری -خیری 1393Abstract :
The current study to prevented ethnic identity and effects of feeling Social Exclusion in Arab People of Ahwaz.and using a consolidated theoretical framework ,surveyed the subject and tested aome hypothesis about it.statistical populations 15-50 years,used multistage cluster sampling method,research is survey and questionnaire is a instrument that used to deta collection.findings were analyzed using spss softwere.
The hypothesis examination results have shown variables(Prejudice ,belonging, solidarity, Attitude to norms and socialization Ethnic )the and meaningful relation with dependent variable. Ethnic discrimination variable the direct relation with of feeling Exclusion.between demographic variables(age,gender and education)and of feeling Social Exclusion there is a significant relationship. Results have shown between praestigiae variable and of feeling Exclusion there is no significant.relationship.Regeration and analysis results shown intered variable in this investigation explain 0/58 persent of dependent variable variance and here Ethnic discrimination has the most role in variance explaination of feeling Social Exclusion. The final part of this research prevention recommendations in this area has to offer.
تاثیر بازی های خشونت آمیز بر رفتار نوجوانان مقطع راهنمایی
حسین جهانیانی 1393Abstract
The purpose of this study is to see theeffect of violent computer games (independent variable)on the students behaviours such as educational improvement, learning ,depression,anxiety,hostility,and sociability (dependent variable)in guidance school.
The survey population include the students of guidance schools,both male and female in likak city .in this research ,we chose three hundred male and female students from four guiclance schoole in likak as sample size using stratified sampling.we used question naire as the instrument of collectiong deta.findings have realized by using pss software.these findings showed that there is a meaningful relation a=/05 between independent variable (violent computer games) and dependent variable (educatin al imporovement,learning,depression and anxiety . to test researcl hgpothesises ,in descriptive statistics , frequency and mean were used and in inferential statistics , we used regression and pearsion correlation coefficient .the results of this research have indicated that there is a significant diffevence between mean and standard deviation .as a resuit , there is asigaifcant relation between using violent computer games and some mentioned behaviours among students in guidance school , for this reason ,null hgpothesis is regected. The final part of the research includes conclusion ,findings related to research hypothesis and comparing these finding former investigations , some limitation of the research ,suggestions ,and presenting probable and inferent approaches.
بررسی عوامل اجتماعی موثر بر گرایش به تقدیرگرایی ( مورد مطالعه :جوانان هجده تا سی ساله شهرستان دهلران)
حسینی تبار-مهین 1393Aim of this study was to investigate Social factors affecting trends among youth 30-18 years old fatalism city dehloran. The method used in this Research was survey and instrument for collecting the data was a standard questionnaire. The sample consisted of 375 young people aged 30-18 dehloran city has been selected by cluster sampling. The findings show that among all the independent variables with the dependent variable is statistically significant. The variables of age, gender, education, ethnicity, there is a significant relationship with the tendency to fatalism.. Regression results show that only Two variables of Of, lifestyle and authoritarian model of family supervision base (subjective)are significant. In total, these variables explain 47% of Inclined to fatalism change.
بررسی عوامل اجتماعی فرهنگی موثر بر رضایتمند شغلی کارمندان (مورد مطالعه: اداره مالیاتی شهرستان اهواز)
خوش نیام-زینب 1393Aim of this study was to investigate. Social and cultural factors affecting job satisfaction of employees (Case Study: Tax Administration city of Ahvaz) The method used in this Research was survey and instrument for collecting the data was a standard questionnaire. The sample consisted of 236 employees of the tax administration has been selected by cluster sampling. The findings of this study showed that among all the independent variables and the dependent variable is statistically significant. The variables of age, gender, education and job experience is a significant relationship with job satisfaction.. Regression results show that only two variables of social capital and Public trust are significant. In total, these variables explain 70% of Job satisfaction change.
بررسی عوامل موثر بر آزار زنان و دختران در خیابان های اهواز ( 40 -18 ساله)
یزدانی كچویی-پروین 1393Study of social factors - cultural, affecting abused women and girls in the streets (Case study of Tehran, women and girls 40-18 years old)
The survey and multi-stage cluster sampling was used to randomly. Cochran's sample size formula 400 of the 8th district of Ahwaz, 4 in 1, 2, 4 and 6 were examined. Means of data collection, questionnaire, and data analysis was performed using SPSS software. Data obtained from questionnaires completed by interview with the Pearson test and t-test, regression analysis, respectively. The execution time of the study was 93 years.
The results of the highest rates of all types of sexual harassment against women, smiles and gestures so hard by the subject of the abuse and the lowest, abduction and harassment after his return home. The subject of how to deal with harassment, provocative behavior of women had the highest rates of physical confrontation with the subject of harassment lowest rates. Theories of violent behavior in the family, and visual media - aural abnormal socialization, gender inequality and how to enforce the law to protect the rights of women and girls were confirmed in centers But given the state of behavioral theories of unemployment, men and children were rejected.
According to the results obtained with such items, skills to cope with the abuse of women, raising self-esteem in girls, education, emotional and social issues - moral, youth and families to reduce street harassment is proposed
بررسی تاثیر محرومیت نسبی بر هویت ملی ساکنان شهرستان کارون
فروزان مهر-پیروز 1393The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of relative deprivation of the national identity of the inhabitants of the city is Caron. Among the inhabitants of the city Karun sampling survey was conducted of 380 people aged 18 to 65. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of relative deprivation of the national identity Karun city's residents. So in that respect, six hypothesized that these assumptions include: the relationship between education, employment, income, ethnic identity commitment, satisfaction with public services and participation in politics with national identity. Through a questionnaire using Likert and library resources needed information was collected. After analysis by SPSS results showed that the variables of employment trends in national identity, ethnic identity commitment, satisfaction with public services and participation in political affairs related to national identity and the relationship between education and family income there. If Tdrabrt view, Myrdal and Williamson for the effect of relative deprivation component of the national identity is consistent with many aspects of this research.
بررسی علل جامعه شناختی موثر بر قانون گریزی (مورد مطالعه : رانندگان اعمال قانون شده وسایل نقلیه شخصی محور اهواز- مسجدسلیمان- شوشتر )
عبدعلی طاهری مقدم-عبدعلی 1393Traffic accidents are often rooted aversion in traffic law Has many reasons to root In subjects such as sociology, social pathology, social psychology, law, criminology, philosophy, economics, anthropology, education, history, cultural studies, and forensic and rational chains, each of which requires contemplation and study. Social and sociological factors such illegality address the root causes identified.
So we can conclude that the offending drivers must attend training sessions and forced to drive to the internal norms and methods of problem solving, critical thinking and analyzes them. The social needs should be met in different ways and appropriate attitudes to the law be amended.
بررسی عوامل اجتماعی و فرهنگی موثر بر گرایش به نزاع های دسته جمعی ( مورد مطالعه : افراد 15 سال به بالای شهر کارون استان خوزستان )
نصیری-نوراله 1393The purpose of this paper is to examine the social and cultural factors affecting the tendency to conflict is a collective of citizens 15 years and over in Charon Theoretical framework to explain the problem from the perspective of sociology and relate assumptions used were extracted. data collection is questionnaire survey and the data in the study population, all citizens over 15 years of Karun is a formula based on the sample size was determined 384 Chocran. there are a total of 50 percent of the general trend of changes in the four variables, namely, the collective strife
بررسی تاثیر رسانه های ارتباط تصویری بر جامعه پذیری دانش آموزان دبیرستانی ( پایه سوم و چهارم) شهر کوهدشت.
احمد ویسی 1393Sociability or socialization means person`s conformity with values, norms and social and group attitudes, and it has multiple views and sub categories such as political sociability, religious sociability, sexual sociability and organizational sociability and so on. Sociability applies by multiple goals and brokers. Nowadays, most important sociability brokers are family, visual and audio mass medi, schools, mosques and political parties which together help to personal sociability. Current study goes to evaluation the effect of visual mass media on third and forth High school` sociability of Koohdasht city during academic year between 1392 to 1393 but it is tried to evaluate the effect of other elements and variables such as The socio-economic base to Subjectively and objectively, students` age, sex and academic year, too. Research method is survey and Techniques of data collection questionnaire. Theoretical frame of this research is based on the Parsons Taltuk` functional applications of social systems theory, Jorge Greener ‘planting theory and Gelark and Stark` civicstheory and measuring religiosity. In current research is used to multistep cluster as sampling method and studied sample size is 384 people. Its statistical steps is done by SPSS Version 16. Results show that from all above mentioned elements, variables related to economic-social base (Subjectively and objectively views), type of media, sex and… influence of high school students` sociability.
بررسی عوامل موثر برشیوع جرائم در شهر اهواز(مورد مطالعه مناطق حاشیه نشین)
خدایاری-عباداله 1393<p style="text-align: left;"> The crime is always a threat for societies and with every changes in social and economic criteria it takes a new form, its spreading on society is one of the factors that causes a problem on development progressing, the aim of this research is to analyses the effective factors on crime spreading in Ahwaz suburban areas. The method was statistic and by using koocran methods about 384 members more than 15 years old were chosen from The suburbs and with a multilevel sampling method selected as a sample and tested with a questionnaires' the results shows that all research variables are the same but the age is different . The regression results show that an anomy feeling has a minimum part and social facilities had a minimum effect on spreading out the crimes. At the end the R2 which is about 43 percent shows that the crime spreading variable is achieved by independent variables and by considering the achieved meaningful level the linear regression method is confirmed.</p>
بررسی جامعه شناختی رابطه سرمایه اجتماعی با رفتارهای زیست محیطی مسئولانه شهروندان (مورد مطالعه : شهروندان 15 سال و بالاتر شهر اهواز)
محمدی-شعبان 1393Aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between social capitals with responsible environmental behaviors in citizens aged 15 years and older in Ahwaz. The method used in this Research was survey and instrument for collecting the data was a standard questionnaire. The sample consists of 384 people of citizens in the city of Ahwaz. Result of this research indicates that there is a significant relation between all the independent and dependent variables. Also there is a significant relation Age , Sex , Marital Status ,Ethnicity with environmental responsible behavior. Regression results show that only two variables of social capital and Public trust are significant. In total, these variables explain 70% of environmental responsible behaviors change.
بررسی عوامل اجتماعی موثر بر رفتار رانندگی پرخطر (مورد مطالعه : شهروندان 18 سال و بالاتر)
سیما عبدی زاده 1392The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that influence risky driving behavior ( Case study: Ahvaz citizens 18 years and older ) is. The statistical population included all residents aged 18 and older is Ahwaz . The population of 384 students were selected through cluster sampling . Questionnaire data is collected . Findings were analyzed using spss software . All research hypotheses were tested using various statistical tests , and most of them were confirmed. Findings showed that among all independent variables with risky driving behavior Ahwaz citizens have a meaningful relationship . Between demographic variables ( age , gender , marital status , driving experience , and education) and high-risk driving behavior , there is a significant relationship between the variables , but there is no significant relationship between ethnicity and the citizens of risky driving behavior . The final part of this research, the importance of maintaining social order and social deviance and accident prevention recommendations in this area has to offer .
عوامل اجتماعی-فرهنگی موثر بررفتار همیارانه -غیر همیارانه افراد در موقعیت های متعارض میان منافع فردی و منافع جمعی،مورد مطالعه :شهروندان 16 سال به بالای شهر اهواز در بهمن 1392
لادن بقراط 1392The main purpose of this research is to study the: Socio-cultural factors affecting cooperative - non-cooperative individual behaviors in the situation of conflicting between individual and collective interests. (study: over 16 years old Citizens in Ahvaz, in winter 1392 ).
In this research, variables are demographic factors (sexuality, marital status, and religiosity), situational factors (socio-economic status, Satisfaction with living conditions) social factors (communication with others, persuasive messages, social capital, individualism and responsibility ) And dependent variable of the research is social dilemma (conflict between individual and collective interests).
The theoretic bases of studying social dilemma are the theory of choice, social capital and the play of jail dilemma. In the hypothesis examination, Statistical software, SPSS,and ‘T’test, Analysis of Variance and Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to test hypotheses. The findings of the research reveal that cooperative behavior of people in social dilemma situations is 18.89 out of 25 which indicates high level of cooperation among people. The result also shows that hypothesis about the relation between social dilemma, individualism, satisfying with situation, religiosity and communication with others are confirmed.
بررسی استفاده از تلفن همراه بر شکلگیری هویت فردی مدرن (مورد مطالعه: نوجوانان دبیرستانی شهرستان اهواز)
فاطمه گراوند 1391 -
تاثیر استفاده ماهواره بر هویت فرهنگی جوانان (مورد مطالعه: شهرستان شوش)
زیبا دمادم 1391 -
بررسی عوامل موثر بر میزان توسعه فرهنگی (مورد مطالعه:شهروندان ایلام)
سیدصادق موسوی 1391 -
بررسی عوامل اجتماعی، اقتصادی و فرهنگی موثر بر فرهنگ زیست محیطی شهروندان ( مورد مطالعه: جامعه شهری اهواز)
شهروز فروتن كیا 1389 -
بررسی کلیشه های جنسیتی در ادبیات داستانی ایران (مورد مطالعة: آثار داستانی جلال آل احمد)
سیمین كاظمی گلباغی 1389 -
بررسی عوامل جامعه شناختی موثر بر ارتباطات و تعاملات در جامعه علمی ایران با تاکید بر ارتباطات و تعاملات دانشجویان با اساتید (مورد مطالعه : دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز )
محمد پورتركارونی 1389 -
بررسی عوامل موثر بر هویت اجتماعی دانشجویان
فرزانه هاشمی 1388 -
بررسی مفهوم خود کامگی در شعر پنج شاعر معاصر
محمد حسین دلال رحمانی 1388 -
بررسی عوامل موثر بر مشارکت اجتماعی زنان در شهر اهواز
ایرج تامرادی 1378