Masood Khodapanah

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-03

Masood Khodapanah

دانشکده اقتصاد و علوم اجتماعی / گروه علوم اقتصادی

Master Theses

  1. بررسی اثر آزادی اقتصادی و كیفیت نهادی بر توزیع درآمد كشورهای منتخب در حال توسعه
    هومن محمدی زاده 1403
  2. تاثیر شهر نشینی بر هزینه سلامت در استان های ایران
    الهام بویری منجی 1402
  3. بررسی تأثیر سرمایه گذاری مستقیم خارجی، صنعتی شدن و آموزش بر انتشار كربن در عراق
    مها جاسم محمد 1402
  4. تحلیل مقایسه ای اثر چرخه های اقتصادی بر اشتغال شركت های تعاونی با اقتصاد استان های كشور ایران
    فائزه امرائی 1402
  5. تأثیر اندازه دولت استانی بر توزیع درآمد در استان های ایران
    محسن زبیدی 1402
  6. تحلیل اثرات تغییر نرخ سود تسهیلات بانک مسکن بر قیمت مسکن در کلانشهر اهواز
    توفیق محسینی 1401
  7. بررسی تاثیر کاهش ارزش پول ملی بر تورم و تراز تجاری پنچ کشور منتخب (1980-2020).
    صمد جهانبخش 1401
  8. بررسی تأثیر شهرنشینی بر بخش کشاورزی در استان های ایران
    زینب حسین پور 1401
  9. بررسی اثرات شهرنشینی بر کاهش فقر روستایی در ایران
    الهام خطروشی 1400
  10. بررسی تاثیر ریسک تورم و بازدهی سهام بر یکپارچگی بازار سهام
    شكوه امیدوار 1400
  11. شناسایی مزیت های نسبی آشکارشده ی تجاری و صنعتی عراق
    حسین التمیمی 1400
  12. اثر تجارت خارجی بر تقاضای توریسم در ایران و شرکای تجاری (شامل ترکیه، هند و امارات)
    كاظم شاه امیری 1398
  13. بررسی اثر رشد اقتصادی و بدهی‌های دولت بر بهره¬وری نیروی کار در ایران
    جمشید حمایتی 1396

    Because of clear and incident attention to efficiency in forth and fifth plans of development of economic, Investigation about the role of government debt is very important. Effects of key elements on total efficiency with attention to government debt are Investigated via ARDL method in 1360 to 1393. Resulte shows that yearly internal impure production variables, education part of government and public investment have positive effects on total efficiency and government debt has negetive effect on total efficiency and these goals can be achived in longterm and short term. Relation of error correctness in order to achive longtime parity has been corrected in the amount of 11 percent.

  14. بررسی رابطه بین جهانی شدن و بهره¬وری نیروی کار: منتخبی از کشورهای اسلامی
    موسوی - سید رحیم 1393

    Today, more than one criteria of economic efficiency and a comprehensive approach, a culture-oriented system and a general attitude is of all components. That can be carried in each of the aspects of economic, social and cultural, organization or individual's interaction. Productivity is one of the main topics at various levels and in various activities of human society, is a centuries-old history. Especially in the final decades of the century, its importance in economic activities, social and industrial strongly emphasized. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between globalization and labor productivity in the selection of the Islamic countries during the period 2011-1999 was using panel data. The results generally indicate positive effects of globalization and the research and development of labor productivity and a negative relationship between inflation and labor productivity in the countries studied.

  15. برآورد حجم اقتصاد سایه در ایران
    طاهر پور - داریوش 1393
    Name: dariush Surname: Taherpour Title: Estimating volume of Shadow Economy in Iran Supervisor: Dr. Masood Khodapanah Advisor : Dr. hasan farazmand Degree: M.Sc. University Campus: Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz Department : Economic Faculty: Economics and Social Society Graduation Date: 21 Sep 2014 Number of pages: 121 Keywords: Shadow Economy, MIMIC, Iran Abstract : This study investigated the main determinants of Shadow Economy in Iran during 1975-2010 using the Multiple Indicators-Multiple Causes (MIMIC) approach. The findings of the research showed that the value of the Shadow Economy have been fluctuating from a 9.52 percent of Iran's GDP (at constant prices of 1998) in 1974 to a minimum 9.01 percent of GDP in 1976 with an average of 19.79 percent. The results also indicated that the Respectively the unemployment rate, GDP per capita, income distribution and inflation rate were most important determinants of the value of shadow economy in Iran. The value of shadow economy affected both oil products and demand for money, but oil products tend to be more affected
  16. بررسی اثر شهرنشینی بر رشد اقتصادی مورد مطالعه: کشورهای منتخب اسلامی
    یوسفی - نعمت الله 1393

    Abstract :
    In urban literature, several studies on the process of urban development and its relation to the production and economic growth has taken place. Among the urban development has two aspects: one aspect of its urban development and urbanization in relation to the growth in the number and size of cities in the urban system. Another aspect of urban development with a focus on urban or urban. At any point in time, according to a country's level of urban development, resources may be distributed evenly among the different cities and the degree of scale in production Economies of scale of production is small . The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of urbanization on economic growth in Selected Islamic countries during the period combined with data. The results show that the positive relationship between urbanization and economic growth in the countries studied during the studied time period was