Karem rezadoost


Update: 2025-03-03

Karem rezadoost

دانشکده اقتصاد و علوم اجتماعی / گروه علوم اجتماعی

Master Theses

  1. : بررسی جامعه شناختی عوامل موثر بر تعارض كار و نقش های مادر / همسر ( مورد مطالعه : زنان شاغل شهر دزفول)
    لیلا پاپی 1403
  2. مطالعه جامعه شناختی میزان پایبندی به اخلاق شهروندی دربین جوانان شهرستان بهبهان و برخی عوامل مرتبط با آن (مورد مطالعه:جوانان 18_29 سال).
    بشیر سودانی 1403
  3. مطالعه عوامل اجتماعی موثر بر احساس امنیت اجتماعی زنان(مطالعه موردی زنان 15 تا65 سال شهر اهواز)
    هاجر جنادله 1402
  4. واکاوی فرایند شکل گیری حوزه عمومی در فضای مجازی
    خلیل مدنی فرد 1401
  5. تأثیر جهانی شدن فرهنگی بر ارزش های نظام خانواده در بین شهروندان بالای 18 سال شهرستان آبادان
    ساجده صبیح 1401
  6. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی موثر بر تعاملات علمی دانشجویان و اساتید دانشگاه شهید چمران در دوره پاندمی کوید ۱۹
    كبری رخشان 1401
  7. مطالعه جامعه شناختی عوامل موثر بر فرهنگ سیاسی مناطق حاشیه نشین شهر کرمانشاه(صادقیه، جعفرآباد، دره دراز)
    رامش محمود وند 1400
  8. بررسی تاثیر نوسازی بر ساختار خانواده در شهر اهواز
    ناهید اسكندری 1399
  9. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی مؤثر بر رفتارهای زیست محیطی مسؤلانه (مورد مطالعه: شهروندان شهر شوش)
    ندا علیدادی 1399
  10. تأثیر شبکه های اجتماعی مجازی بر سبک پوشش (مورد مطالعه: دانش آموزان دختر مقطع متوسطه شهر ماهشهر)
    زهرا شیرازی 1399
  11. بررسی علل جامعه شناختی گرایش جوانان شهر اهواز به مصرف مشروبات الکلی
    اسماعیل زكوی 1399
  12. بررسی عوامل جامعه شناختی موثر بر بروز رفتارهای خشونت آمیز در میان حاشیه نشینان شهر اهواز
    علی لویمی 1398
  13. تحلیل جامعه شناختی عوامل مؤثر بر گرایش به مطالعه در بین دانش آموزان دوره متوسطه شهر اهواز
    زینب رشیدی 1397
  14. برساخت اجتماعی فعالیت سیاسی در میان فعالین احزاب سیاسی استان خوزستان
    انوش شاپوری 1397
  15. بررسی عوامل جامعه‌شناختی موثر بر سلامت اجتماعی دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
    ایوب رستمی 1397
  16. بررسی تأثیر جهانی شدن بر سبک زندگی ؛ مورد مطالعه : دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
    حمیدرضا نصرالهی قلعه عبدشاهی 1394

    Lifestyle consists of a wide range of life. In today's complex world, we cannot speak of one kind of life style, but various styles of life can be discussed. What is important is that in today's cultural struggle between Western and non-Western lifestyle, there are differences and moreover competitions. The independent variable which this study seeks to find its effect on lifestyle is "globalization". Globalization is a historical process of social, political, cultural and economic conditions that led to the entrance of non-native factors into native areas and from the programming point of view is also taken into consideration that by this perspective globalization can be reckon as process that changes the life style into western and American type. The present study seeks to find whether globalization and especially westernization has a significant relationship with life style or not? The method used in this study is “Survey research”, and questionnaire was used to collect the data. The combination of standard statements and statements of this questionnaire is self-made. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the lifestyle questionnaire 0.93 and 0.90 of global questionnaire was assessed. In this study by considering the population 16409 students who were studying in the first semester of 1393 in Shahid Chamran University, 377 participants through stratified sampling fit to the population and by simple random sampling method, were chosen. The theoretical framework is a combination of Giddens and Bourdieu's theory . After investigating the treatment, it was found that globalization influence on lifestyle indirectly. So that globalization tools (including communication technology, industrial products, cultural stuffs and commercial ads ) affect global attitudes ( such as social attitudes, political attitudes, attitudes toward economic and cultural attitudes ) and attitudes of globalization as a mediator and confounding influence on lifestyle.

  17. بررسی تاثیر شبکه های اجتماعی بر سرمایه اجتماعی دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
    رقیه سلامات 1394

    Name:roghayeh Surname:Salamat Title: The effect of social networks on social capital university shahid chamran ahwaz Supervisoer/s: Dr Karim Rezadoost Degree: Associate professor of social sciense, Shahid Chamran University (SCU) of Ahwaz University:shahid chamran- ahwaz-Iran Faculty: College of Economics and Social Keywords: Social capital, social networks, social participation. Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the effect of social capital ShbkhHay Ajtay martyr Chamran University respectively. RvshThqyq, survey and questionnaire data were collected. The sample consisted of 374 students martyr Chamran University who were selected stratified sampling. The results of this research show that the components of social capital, community participation, social relations, social capital with the use of social networks there is a significant positive relationship. But social relations between the components, integration with social networks, the use of a significant relationship was observed. The use of social networks variables, education, employment status and social capital there is a significant relationship. But between the use of social networks in terms of weeks, the use of social networks during a night-day, sex, marital status, ethnicity, employment status, there is no significant relationship with social capital. Regression results show that 48 percent of the social capital variables related to the use of social networks explained.

  18. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی مؤثر بر استفاده از شبکه های اجتماعی فیسبوک(مورد مطالعه:دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز)
    كریم حمیدی 1394

    The growth and popularity of online social networks has created a new world of collaboration and communication.Despite the importance of online social networks, there is relatively little theory-driven empirical research available to address this new type of communication and interaction phenomena. In this paper,we conceptualized the use of online social networks as intentional social action and we examined the relative impact of social influence, social presence, and the five key values from the uses and gratification paradigm on We-Intention to use onlinesocial networks. An empirical study of shahid chamran universitiy students of ahvaz (n = 377) revealed that We-Intention to use online social networks is strongly determined by Social identity,Subjective norm, Purposive value and social presence. furthermore, we discover that Social Factors are intermediation between individual variabls and actual use of social network services.

  19. بررسی رابطه برخی از عوامل مؤثر بر گرایش به نزاع های دسته جمعی در شهر دزفول
    سید حمید موسوی 1394

    The purpose of this paper is to examine the social and cultural factors affecting the tendency to conflict is a collective of citizens 15 years and over in Dezful. Theoretical framework to explain the problem from the perspective of sociology and relate assumptions used were extracted. Data collection is questionnaire survey and the data in the study population, all citizens over 15 years of Dezful is a formula based on the sample size was determined 384 Chocran. The results showed that all independent variables have a significant relationship with the dependent variable. Regression results showed that sex variables of are confidence in the ethnicity, socio-economic base, aggression, social integration and social trust significant. In total, these variables explain 53/2% of affecting tendency to fight collectively.

  20. بررسی اولویت های ارزشی(مادی و فرامادی ) دانشجویان و ارتباط آن باعوامل اجتماعی و فرهنگی.
    كیومرث ملایی 1394
    Abstract : The value is complex concepts with much use and diverse meanings. On the one hand, the values are adviser and determining social attitudes and ideologies and on the other hand determines the behavior and social action that manifests in customs, laws, beliefs and sacred tenets and methods of life. The values are the constructive and main part of culture that stability or change them will cause stability or change of culture over time and place. Values are the most fundamental aspect of human behavior in every society and plays an important role in growth and development of economic, social and political. Any people or society can not be found to be living away from values and value judgments, because any nation can not live without value. This study seeks to identify the value priorities of the students and its relation to social and cultural factors. The sample consisted of 400 students of Shahid Chamran university. The results showed that students with syncretistic values are super materialistic and there is no differences in value priorities in different age groups of students. Among the independent variables, "Sense of social security", "socio-economic base", "social trust" "ethnicism," "mass media" and "religiosity" have significant relationship with priorities value.
  21. بررسی رابطه بین دینداری و سبک زندگی (مورد مطالعه: دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز)
    ناهید شعبانی 1394

    This study aimed to investigate the relationship between religiosity and lifestyle the martyr Chamran University students used to discuss the issue and determine the theoretical framework from the perspective of sociology and assumptions derived from them. This research is survey the questionnaire is to gather information. The study population included all students are Chamran martyr, the sample size was determined based on a sample of 376 people. In terms of when the study was conducted in 1394-1393. The results show that the religious variable with all aspects of lifestyle (including material consumption, consumption of artistic, cultural, leisure, body management, relations BynShkhsy) coping. So that between the religious and material consumption, consumption of artistic, cultural, managerial body, how leisure time is a significant negative relationship between religiosity and after only personal relationships between positive relationship has been observed. Also between socio-economic status (subjective / objective) there is a significant positive relationship with lifestyle. There is a significant relationship between the level of education and lifestyle but between gender, marital status, age, employment status, lifestyle with no significant relationship.Regression results show that only three Bdatfy and consequence of the ritual was significant that 41 per cent of lifestyle changes and explain these three dimensions.

  22. بررسی عوامل جامعه شناختی موثر بر بروز رفتارهای خشونت آمیز تماشاگران فوتبال (مورد مطالعه: شهر اهواز)
    موسوی-سیداحمد 1393

    This thesis aims to investigate the sociological factors affecting the incidence of violent behavior is Ahwaz audience. The theoretical framework for the study of anthropological theories, subcultural theory, conflict theory, behaviorism theory, postmodern theory is derived. Research to survey data from a sample size of 343 patients with the target population of 2,000 spectators Ghadir Stadium and selected by simple random sampling is collected and statistical procedures were performed using the software spss22.
    The findings suggest that part of the reason for the violence in sports fields should be on factors such as age, social status - economic, unaffected by the peer, the media, the police, political discontent - social, large crowds of spectators, and dissatisfaction with the environmental, team oriented search. So we can say that a function of the characteristics of the subculture of violence viewer audience, a group of spectators and environmental factors are involved. %65 hypotheses have been proposed to explain the variance of the football fans have violent behavior

  23. بررسی رابطه بین دینداری و میزان گرایش به ارتکاب جرم ( مورد مطالعه: جوانان 29-18 ساله شهر اهواز)
    هاشمی -كبری 1393

    Name:Kobra Surname:hashemi
    Title:The relationship between religiosity and the tendency to commit crime (Case Study: Youth 29-18 years Ahwaz)
    Supervisoer/s: Dr Abdol Karim rezadoost advisor/s:dr masoumeh bagheri
    Degree:Associate professor of social sciense, Shahid Chamran University (SCU) of Ahwaz
    University:shahid chamran- ahwaz-Iran
    Faculty:College of Economics and Social
    Keywords: Religiosity, attitudes to crime, youth.
    The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between religion and the tendency to commit crime among youth 29-18 years in Ahvaz. This survey research and data collection questionnaire is a statistical population in this study, young people aged 29-18 in Ahwaz, the sample size was determined according to the formula 384 Cochran. there have been a total of 58% of the changes related to the tendency to commit crime to explain the four Tuesday.

  24. بررسی تاثیر میزان استفاده از اینترنت بر ارزشهای خانواده(مورد مطالعه: دانشجویان دانشگاه پیام نور سوسنگرد)
    بنی طرفی-خدیجه 1393

    Society in recent decades has been the extensive social and cultural developments. behaviors and thinking patterns of people in individual and social issues Hstnd.ba due to rapid changes in many aspects of human life in recent years, have changed values in different dimensions. Therefore, the value can be one of the Internet's achievements.The main objective of this study is to examine "the Internet on family values (male students study Susangerd PNU) Bprdazd.bray this study is to survey sample consisted of 277 students from 19 Cochran formula 30 have been selected by proportional stratified sampling methodUsingsurveydata, both thetraditionalandrationalstudiedArzsh¬Haybeen.The maintool forgathering information ontheresearch, questionnairesandthroughdescriptive and inferential statisticswere analyzedusingSPSS software

    Instudy afterstudy, and intellectualaspects oftraditionalvaluesand thefactors affecting thevalueofyouthUsing thetheories ofcommunicationand theories ofthe role ofthe Internet inthefield offamily valuesis discussedfromvarious angles.Itresultsthat theuseofthe Internetandthe increasingtendencyhasa positive effectonlowering effectonthe valueofintellectualandtraditionalvalues.

  25. تاثیر نقش هویت محله ای بر میزان کنترل نابهنجاری های اجتماعی در شهر اهواز
    موسوی اصل -ماجده 1393

    Abstract : The purpose of this research is study of Sectional Indentity role influence on level of Social Disorder(the participants are Ahwaz citizens of the ago 18 and more).The statistical population in this research includes all the Ahwaz citizens of the ago 18 and more which among this statistical population ,400 citizens were chosen via cluster sampling . The tool of data collecting was questionnaire.
    The findings were analyzed by a software which is called spss. All the research
    Theories were studied by use of statistical tests and most of them were confirmed. The results showed that there is a meaningful relation between all the independent variables and the level of social disorder .Also there is a meaningful relation between the demography variables(such as ,gender ,marriage state ,education , place of habitance ,social and economic stat) and the level of social disorder. But there isn’t a meaningful relation between age and level of social disorder. Because of the importance of improving the sectional identity and prevention of accession of social disorder , the last part of this research presents some suggestions and strategies in this regard

  26. بررسی عوامل موثر بر بروز پدیده تکدی گری در شهر اهواز
    خان زاده-علیرضا 1393


    Subject of this research is about research oncausality phenomenon of beggary in ahwaz . We use survey method.Our statistical population is all of beggars that live in ahwaz . They are about1200 people. Our sampel is 300 people.We distributed the questionnaires between them.We completed the questionnaires by interview.We analyzed the statistical results by SPSS and analyzed the descriptive results by chi-square. We used the binomial test for proving or improving of the hypothesis.
    We wrote research theoretical framework on basis of pathology theory, understanding social problem, anomie theory of Merton, structural impulsion theory of Merton and talcott Parsons, contrast theory, symbolic-interactionism approach, labeling theory and control theory.These are their results: There is relatedness between beggar and poverty, unemployment, training, and migration. But there are not relatedness between beggary and divorce, deformed. We explained and studied on tendency causality people to it and then we offered suggestions for decrease of this social difficult.

  27. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی – فرهنگی موثر بر خلاقیت نوجوانان (مورد مطالعه دانش آموزان مقطع دبیرستان شهرستان حمیدیه)
    جعفری جنادله-حكیم 1393
  28. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی – فرهنگی موثر بر قاچاق کالا در استان خوزستان ( مورد مطالعه : زندانیان زندان کارون شهر اهواز )
    مقدم-ابراهیم 1393

    Karoun are deployed with the low number of inmates convicted of smuggling in Karoun Prison in Ahvaz are deployed. This is the time of year 1392-1393Ajra. The results show that all the independent variables have a significant negative correlation with the dependent variable. Except for the two variables relative deprivation feeling of anomie and Ajsas significant positive relationship with their smuggling.
    The results show that all the independent variables have a significant negative correlation with the dependent variable.Except for the two variables relative deprivation feeling of anomie and Ajsas significant positive relationship with their smuggling.

  29. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی . فرهنگی موثر بر هویت قومی ، ملی جوانان (مورد مطالعه : دانشجویان پسر دانشکده فنی و حرفه ای دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز)
    امیری-رامتین 1393

    The present study investigated the social factors affecting cultural identity among young students. This survey research and data collection questionnaire. The study population in this study, all male students of technical and professional martyr Chamran is, that a sample size of 310 was determined based on the Cochran formula. This is the time of year 1392-1393Ajra.

  30. بررسی عوامل مؤثر بر شکل گیری وفاق اجتماعی (مورد مطالعه: شهر دهشت)
    احسان كهنسال خوب 1392

    This research is about social consensus and study of effective factors on it in dehdasht city(city of kohkiloieh and boier ahmad state). Populations 15 years old and upper(older), sample size 389 persons, used multistage cluster sampling method, research is survey and questionnaire is a instrument that used to data collection. The hypothesis examination results have shown social participation, specific social confidence, general social confidence, or social confidence generalized and social economic status have the the direct and meaningful relation with dependent variable and so sense of anomie, fatalism, sense of comparative deprivation have the reverse and meaningful relation with the social consensus.
    Regeration and analysis results have shown intered variable in this investigation explain 37 persent of dependent variable variance and here social participation has the most role in variance explanation of the social consensus.
    Pass Analysis results have shown social- mental economic status and fatalism don’t have effect on social consensus explanation but social- mental economic ststus have indirect effect on social consensus through deprivation sense.

  31. بررسی عوامل هنجاری و سازمانی موثر بر میزان تولید علمی اعضاء هیات علمی(مورد مطالعه:اعضاء هیات علمی دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز)
    الهام ادیب زاده 1392

    The aim of this study, normative and institutional factors affecting the production rate of Shahid Chamran University faculty members are. To illustrate the theoretical framework from the perspective of sociology and the sociology of science and the assumptions used were extracted. This research is based on survey and questionnaire data collection, and data analysis was performed by spss software.
    A survey of all faculty members martyr Chamran University, which was set at 224 Cochran's sample size formula. The time this study was conducted in 1392. ¬ The results show that the independent variables (level of adherence to the norms of academic, scientific, corporate culture University, Department of Atmospheric, university resources) of output variables are positive and significant relationship.
    But the reward system variables, academic freedom and academic scientific production association does not exist. The final part of this research, the importance of the subject has to offer suggestions and solutions.

  32. بررسی تاثیر سرمایه اجتماعی(با تاکید بر سرمایه اجتماعی مجازی) ودینداری بر کیفیت زندگی
    عبدالرسول فدایی دولت 1392

    The aim of this investigation is to study the effect of social capital (with the emphasis on cyber social capital) and religiosity on quality of life among government staf in Kangan city of Bushehr province. Survey method is used for conducting the study. Sample size is about 350 people (210 male and 140 female) which are selected by classified accidental sampling .The required information gathered by Social capital questionnaire , WHOQOL- BREF questionnaire and religiosity questionnaire . The findings reveal that there is a significant relationship between religiosity and indicators of social capital ( social trust ,social support, social participation, social relations network and social cohesion ) with quality of life. The findings also indicate that there is no significant relationship between cyber social capital and quality of life. In the case of social-economic status , despite subjective socio-economic status , the relation between objective socio-economic statues and quality of life is significant. Besides , regression analysis revealed that social support variable determine ./42 of quality of life variance.
    Regarding regression analysis model, it revealed that in the first part, social support, subjective socio-economic status, social relations network , social trust and social cooperation are the most important predictors. The results in the second regression analysis model showed that , social capital ,subjective socio-economic status and social support were effective on enhancing quality of life. R adjusted square showed that 42 percent of variations of dependent variable , explained by these variables.

  33. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی موثر بر مصرف گرایی در بین دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
    عباس رضایی 1391
  34. بررسی جامعه شناختی عوامل موثر بر احساس نشاط: مورد مطالعه دانش آموزان 18-16 ساله شهر اهواز
    سیده نجمه صالحی 1391
  35. بررسی تأثیر میزان سرمایه اجتماعی بر رضایت شغلی (مورد مطالعه: معلمان آموزش و پرورش شهر درود)
    داریوش رشنو 1390
  36. بررسی مسأله شکاف نسلی: (ایثارگران و فرزندان در شهر اهواز)
    عبدالله فاضلی 1389
  37. : بررسی عوامل جامعه¬شناختی مؤثر بر میزان دینداری دانشجویان (مورد مطالعه : دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز )
    حلیمه مصطفاییی 1389
  38. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی و فرهنگی مؤثر بر میزان اعتماد اجتماعی دانشجویان (مورد مطالعه : دانشجویان دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز )
    لیلا مجاهدی 1389
  39. بررسی عوامل موثر بر گرایش جوانان به هویت ملی
    عباس مقدم 1388
  40. بررسی عوامل اجتماعی- اقتصادی موثر بر بزهکاری نوجوانان پسر شهر اهواز
    نظر پیشرونصرابادسفلی 1387
  41. آسیب‌شناسی جریان روشنفکری در ایران معاصر
    فیروز طاهری 1386