Ahmad Salhmanesh

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-03

Ahmad Salhmanesh

دانشکده اقتصاد و علوم اجتماعی / گروه علوم اقتصادی

Community-Engaged Scholarship

  1. Analyzing and Identifying Support Measures for Export Development in the Cooperatives
  2. Feasibility studies of the province's priority; 5 selected titles: flexi and banner, omega-3 food supplement, medical implants, Tanen from oak tree, and synthetic surgery thread
  3. Socio-economic study of restoration of the disordered fabric at risk of Bandar Imam Khomeini in Khuzestan province
  4. Virtual implementation of the chair of cooperation and entrepreneurship
  5. Systematic management of water consumption pattern optimization based on comparative advantage and the concept of virtual water (Case study: Maroon-Jarrahi watershed, from Maroon dam to Shadegan)